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Tips for Prioritizing Your Mental Health

4 min read

Tips for Prioritizing Your Mental Health

October 10th was World Mental Health day. Some would say that we live in a time that is becoming more encouraging of prioritizing your mental health, but oftentimes the lines blur between doing what’s best for yourself and being selfish. We’re here to tell you that prioritizing your mental health is never selfish, and if anything, it should be #1 on your to-do list. We’re firm believers in the fact that a healthy mind is the root of a healthy and happy life. 

When it comes to putting your personal mental health first, only you really know what you need. But, if you’re not sure where to start, here are a few tips for making your mental health a priority.

Honor Your Own Needs

When you tune into your body, what does it actually need? A glass of water, a quick walk around the block, or maybe just to disconnect for twenty minutes? We can get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives that we forget to check in with ourselves throughout the day. We understand that your tasks need to be completed by the time you go to bed at night, but scheduling small breaks to make sure you’re not shorting yourself of the care that you need.

Set Healthy Boundaries

No more saying yes with a pit in your stomach that reminds you that you actually wanted to say no. It’s important that you say no to things that don’t serve you. This is where prioritizing your mental health may start to feel selfish. Boundaries can help you live your life in a less drained fashion and feel less resentment toward the people around you. Here’s an example of a healthy boundary in action:

“I would love to help you out by covering your shift, but I’ve already made plans with my family this weekend. I’m sorry!”

Take Time To Rest

Sleep is necessary for the restoration of energy, muscle tissue repair, the release of certain hormones, and your brain's ability to learn and process memories. (Source: Mental Health America) Sleeping can be easier said than done. (Hint: That’s why we love our Slumber Party Melatonin Gummies so much.) Being exhausted is seen as the norm in hustle culture, but it shouldn’t be. It’s normal to hit a slump during the middle of your day, and if that happens to you often, consider trying our Morning Person Energy Gummies to prevent that hard caffeine crash at the end of the day. 

Exhaustion, however, is different than a slump. What you’re able to deliver for yourself and others when you’re running on E is less than what you, or anyone else, deserve. Adults need about 7-8 hours of sleep a night in order to get the benefits of a good night’s sleep the next day. The quality of your sleep matters just as much as how long you sleep. You should spend ¼ of the time you spend sleeping in REM sleep. This is the most restorative form of sleep and is super essential to your overall well-being.

When you don’t get good sleep, you are not just at risk of feeling groggy and all of the side effects that come with that, you are also at a higher risk for mental health disorders like depression. (Source: Mental Health America

Have an Outlet for Stress

Your outlet for stress may be different than someone else’s because we all experience stress differently, it’s important to try more than one recommendation for stress management. Our favorite form of stress management is taking a dosage of CBD oil. You can learn more about stress + CBD by reading this blog in our journal. 

Other forms of stress management can be:

Don't Hold It All in

Lastly, don’t be alone in your thoughts. If you need support, reach out to someone you trust and ask for help. Whether that be your therapist or your best friend, it’s important that you identify a support system that you can turn to when you need it.

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